War Babies – Vault 2024

War Babies, the hard rock/metal band featuring members of TKO, Slaughter Haus 5, Sledgeback, Fastbacks, Suicide Squad and other Seattle-area bands, are finally releasing a second album after all these years! Slated for a July, 2024 drop date by Washington label NW Metalworx Music.

Formed in Seattle in late 1988 by core members Tom McMullin and Guy Lacey on guitars, and Richard Stuverud on drums, with frontman Brad Sinsel added the following year. The band quickly built a buzz locally and garnered label interest and by 1990 were signed to Columbia Records with a big record deal. They were managed by Kelly Curtis (Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam) initially, and then Warren Entner (Angel, Faith No More, Quiet Riot, etc.), and their A & R rep was Nick Terzo (Alice In Chains). They recorded at the famous A & M Studios in Los Angeles and their debut album hit the racks in early 1992. War Babies toured the US and Canada throughout that year with the likes of Ugly Kid Joe, The Four Horsemen, The Scream, etc. and played a huge benefit, Rock the Environment, with Heart, Queensryche, Metal Church and others for 20,000 people. Due to the changing music scene at the time, and some key personal departing, War Babies and Columbia/Sony parted ways before they could complete a second album and they split up in early 1993. The members of War Babies all went on to other great bands and projects as the years went on, but fans of the group continued to appreciate their lone album and longed for more music from the Seattle rockers. A mix of `70s bands such as: Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, KISS, etc. with a dash of punk, and a bit of so-called “Grunge” (something the War Babies guys all had a hand in helping invent in the late `70s and early `80s), War Babies music still holds up very well as no-bullshit, ballsy hard rock. And now after all this time, there is more to be heard!

Comprised of recordings from a London Bridge session in May of 1990 (featuring Pearl Jam/Mother Love Bone/Green River bassist Jeff Ament), A & M Studios in 1991, and a couple of live recordings from 1992, these killer “lost” recordings are amazing! No filler here. “Watch Me Bleed” kicks off the album strongly, and “Man With A Golden Arm” is a haunting tribute to the late Andrew Wood (Mother Love Bone singer and friend). “She Wants More” is an anthem you’ll want to sing along to, and “Walls” will rock you up against one. The rest of the songs all crank and are filled with memorable hooks, solos, and the distinctive and powerful vocals of Sinsel. And the stripped down “unplugged” live radio recordings are the cherry on top. Don’t miss out on opening up this “Vault” of great music.

1.Watch Me Bleed
2.American Dream
3.Man With A Golden Arm
4.When The Well Runs Dry
5.She Wants More
6.Blue Tomorrow (Live)
8.Strange Love
9.The Girl I Use To Know
10.Wish Upon A Star
11.Sky Is The Limit (Live) (*CD Bonus Track only)
12.Wasted Love (*CD Bonus Track only)
13.Cop To The Loss (*CD Bonus Track only)
14.Twist The Knife (*CD Bonus Track only)

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War Babies – Vault 2024
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