This was the only Killbots album and it was released on a DIY Belgian label that specialized mostly in punk. That’s probably the reason you’ve never heard from them. If they’d had been on a bigger label or were Swedish or English they’d be on the brink of world domination by now. Absolutely badass hard rockin’ ‘n rollin’ with tastes of stoner, psych, punk, garage. Enjoy
1 Hellfire
2 The Whore (Without A Home)
3 Whirlwind Pussy
4 Fever
5 Killer Raid
6 Fright Train
7 Rule Me Out
8 The Counts Of Mondo
9 Pay The Ducs
10 Cuda 69
11 Good Times
12 Tantra
The Killbots – The Killbots (2007)

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