There’s more than a few bands in every genre and period that never quite got the attention or had the success of lucky peers. England’s Sparta is another one who arrived in the early years of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWoBHM). They had some singles and appeared on compilations, but never cut an album. Yet the did shows with many other notable and influential bands including Praying Mantis, Lionheart, Budgie, and Diamond Head, who had a significant influence upon Metallica, among others.
1. Welcome to Hell
2. Angel of Death
3. Time
4. Soldier of Fortune
5. Wild Night
6. Dreaming of Evil
7. Arrow
8. Rock ‘n’ Roll Rebel
9. Kingdom of the Sky
Sparta – Welcome To Hell 2014 N.W.O.B.H.M. (lossless + mp3)

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