SASSY SOCIETY! A new star is born in the sky of 80’s-Rock! While Axl Rose stuffs his throat with fat, Steven Tyler prefers to jugde Pop-starlets, Vince Neil intoxicates himself with botox and Sebastian Bach pleasures the Gilmore Girls, it’s time for someone to reinvent the honors of Sleaze & Glam-Rock!
This and nothing else is the ultimate goal of Sassy Society. They are a bunch of dudes from the streets of Hamburg, who will get Rock’n’Roll back into the spotlight with a fabulous mixture of juvenile enthusiasm and a decade of stage-experience. Founded in 2012, it took them only half a year to record a 6-track ep, get on stage and also release the music video “Infectious Love”. In 2013 there will be many, many shows and hopefully in the end of the year they will record their first LP. Those of you who love the combined Power of Sleaze & Glam-Rock with a giant load of kick-ass Rock’n’Roll can’t go wrong with Sassy Society.
1. Don’t Mess with the Boys
2. Sassy Time
3. Broken Baby
4. Red Light
5. Ashley
6. Down the Road
7. True Love
8. Lipstick Love Affair
9. Prelude
10. Black Roses
11. Game I Play
12. Can’t Control Rock ‘n’ Roll
Mark LeBosch (Blind Sheep)
Robin “Ivory Stardust” (The Pushups)
Aaron “Jacky Cöbra” (Gun Wild)
John “Mr. Six Toe Joe” (Uncut/Hardbone)
Alex “Migg Lizzy” (Gun Wild)
Sassy Society – Lipstick Love Affair (2015)

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