This band from Valencia, we liked his previous work Vicio y virtud. In this new album, are betting big on its formulation: Do not do anything new or strange sounds innovate, but what they do, they do well and pampered lot. And this is the first highlight of this new album Rebellion. The band’s sound is much more elaborate, much more rounded sound and production quality is clearly superior.
That if the sound and Quelonio bet is the same: a very guitar power, with ornaments typical of the genre, but well-made, mixed with good compositions and giving the personal touch of each band member, highlighting clearly as distinguishing feature, the voice of Teresa Broseta. The resulting brew once agitated, I personally love to while not a new trendy drink.
The album starts with a clear call to the class leader in the voice of a child, Andrea Luque, but uses words from Severn Cullis-Suzuki in 92: If you do not know how to regenerate the world, at least not break more. This intro gives way to the opening track on the disc and leave us a first impression.Frente al Espejo
Start the song with a guitar riff with a very flat and very cane, with small single-inclusive, which I personally was surprised, having expected a start with a sample of intentions clearer, we say more virtuous or at least faster. Teresa takes over and sings very serious and keeping a touch of aggressiveness and characterized in the previous work. But the subject quickly turns around, at least at the vocal and sounding unmistakably Quelonio, and as if the listener hooked until the end of the disc. The higher octave of Teresa joined a small tapping / guitar melody accompanying the chorus over and give us shows that these guys like the reed, and the guitars much work in each subject. I would include a small personal comment, completely subjective, because the influence of Alberto Cereijo, I think that is evident in some of this and some other point on the disc, so Jose and Luque look and give a game must be spectacular in the direct group.
Throughout the disc is much more evident in their work arrangements predecessor, and one of the most noticeable places where this difference is in the vocals along with the sound of guitars.
A power metal, double bass with well defined, can be seen in letters on topics such as Camino de Dos or Mundo triste y gris, with large double-tapping guitar (as done in these games lack in many current releases!) and vocal collaboration of the great Jose Vicente Brosseta. Also in Tormenta or the third part of the topic that gave name to the band’s first album Buscando una luz in this case, part 3, which combines a multitude of rhythms, music and verses changes varied.
There is also a array of songs, which might be called half-times, as Despreciable, where I would like to highlight the vocal, a little more melodic in the chorus or the title song to the album: Rebellion: An item with a more classical with what I would call guitar strokes, more rockers, if you press me, and that is a little difference to the rest. It reminds me of those big issues Maiden of the first stage, but with a modern sound. Particular is an issue that lay at Piece of Mind, if it had been published in this century. Another distinguishing feature of the subject, are the cries as a chorus Teresa replicate in the chorus. Perhaps the influences which breathe throughout Quelonio, are what have made me grow and understand the genre, I like the result you get both the banda, with excellent touch Teresa’s voice, which gets equally melody, macarreo and only emit a distinctive touch.
Deserves mention I, too, a block of items, different from each other, but with a theme with a common denominator. So Castillo de Satanás, Vivo en el Infierno and No es tan mal lugar devilish underworld are the protagonists, being not so bad, my favorite track on the disc, getting make it appear in my mind, and music and lyrics are installed there in the most unexpected moments. It is the longest track on the LP, half time when the guitars begin very mild, with greater prominence of the rhythm at the hands of Juan and Toni, and are taking intensity accompanied with a melody that encourages even think of ballad. The song takes a sharp turn the medium issue, and then totally power, and fully inserted into the ear of the listener as close to the hymn.
So I can only comment on the slow song on the disc. Only you, start with a clean guitar effects, somewhat different, with a tremolo that really marked and maintained for the whole thing, very flat, with voices echo far and fucking with a chorus intensity at different pitches, I get the impression that all sung by Teresa. Completely anecdotal.
Quelonio great album, hopefully to give a jump on the national stage, raising a well-deserved step.
1. Nuestro Legado
2. Frente al espejo
3. Camino de Dos
4. Despreciable
5. Tormenta
6. La Bestia
7. No Es Tan Mal Lugar
8. Castillo de Satanas
9. Vivo en el Infierno
10. Rebelion
11. Mundo Triste y Gris
12. Tan Solo Tu
13. Buscando una Luz (part III)
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Quelonio – Rebelion (2012)

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