Melodic Rock Info

Melodic Rock AOR Hair Metal albums mp3 and flac

Empyrean Sanctum – Detachment From Reality 2025

progressive metallers Empyrean Sanctum are excited to announce the release of their new studio album “Detachment From Reality”, out on April 18th, 2025. Justin Kellerman, founder, guitarist & composer of Empyrean Sanctum, alongside vocalist Albert Rybka (Katagory V), formed the project in 2007 with a shared love and passion for progressive music.

Darkyra – Life Force 2025

“Life Force ” is the third release under the Darkyra brand. The album jointly arranged and produced by Garry King and Gina Bafile and Mixed and Edited by Garry King at ‘La Foret Studio’, South West France. Life-Force is a collection of songs based around both the light and dark aspects of human nature, It is a walk through an eclectic mind, cinematic storytelling driven by the push pull of good and evil, the inner and outer demons, slaves to a virtual world yet there are those still willing to give it all for a Celebrity Smile.