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Pointers Head – Worst Case Society 2012

Now…From Germany

No doubt POINTERS HEAD belongs to the live bands, they not only open a barrel, they shut it again! And they do this with an intensity that all immediately makes it clear in which direction it goes: next! After ten years finding, patience, development and hard work, place 2 in the category ‘ hard’n’heavy of the “German Rock & Pop Award can 2006” and successfully seasoned European Tour 2008 with L. A. Guns, POINTERSHEAD enters now, perfectly positioned, the entire world with the concept album “Worst Case SOCIETY” into the socially battered face. With a remarkably rich sound, distinctive 80he influences and a brimful scoop of pressure, recruited POINTERS HEAD evening for evening tirelessly supporters of the head army. It shall be closed to focus these days on a world, which overruns us again and again with pursuing crosses. POINTERSHEAD takes degree and hits the bullseye. And the head army moves with “Worst Case Society” through the countries and mobilised to cogiatation and dissenting.