Lars Fredrik Frøislie – Gamle Mester 2025

On his second solo album, “Gamle Mester” (Old Master), Lars Fredrik Frøislie pays homage to the greats of the past. Drawing inspiration not only from the pioneers of progressive rock but also from art, literature, and mythology, the album reflects on timeless acts of creativity that still resonate today.

The title is derived from the ancient oak tree “Den Gamle Mester,” found at Krødsherad Prestegård, which also inspired a poem of the same name by Jørgen Moe. This symbolic tree serves as a unifying theme throughout the album, representing wisdom, endurance, and the passage of time. From the opening track “Demring” (Dawn) to the closing “Skumring” (Dusk), the album embarks on a dynamic journey filled with masterful instrumentation and some of Frøislie’s most compelling songwriting to date. The album reaches its crescendo with “De tre gratier” (The Three Graces), named after the daughters of Zeus. Spanning 12 minutes, this opus encapsulates every thing that makes “Gamle Mester” a triumph. Shifting between light and dark, the track is a treasure trove of rich keyboard textures, soaring flute melodies, dynamic percussion, and the virtuosic bass work of Nikolai Hængsle. With “Gamle Mester,” Lars Fredrik Frøislie delivers an album steeped in history, mythology, and musical brilliance. A must-have for progressive rock enthusiasts and collectors alike. Release date: May 9, 2025

01. Demring (Dawn)
02. Jakten På Det Kalydonske Villsvin (The Hunt for the Calydonian Boar)
03. Gamle Mester (Old Master)
04. Medusas Flåte (The Raft of the Medusa)
05. De Tre Gratier (The Three Graces)
06. Skumring (Dusk)

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Lars Fredrik Frøislie – Gamle Mester 2025
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