With an astonishing amount of uncontrollable shifts of destiny, a few tricks of good fortune and many bad luck twists along their history, the FATE’s saga is spread for almost 30 years now, the band wasn’t always in full activity since 1985 and the release of their first album, that was regarded back then, only, as a solo AOR fantasy outlet for Hank Sherman after his departure from the legendary and almighty MERCYFUL FATE. Soon , it became obvious that FATE, was much more than that, and they even managed to follow their tortuous path without Mr. Sherman (ex-BRATS / ZOSER MEZ / GUTRIX / FORCES OF EVIL / VOLBEAT), they had also to reinvent themselves after the disappointing “Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’” album, they changed for a much better singer, known back then as Per Henriksen (later renamed Johansson) and they discovered a really young amazing six strings player : from Sweden’s FROZEN EYES and future ultra charismatic leader of his very own famous trio FREAK KITCHEN: the one and only Mattias Eklundh.
01. Reaping
02. If Not For The Devil
03. Bridges Are Burning
04. Feel Like Making Love
05. Gambler
06. Hard To Say Goodbye
07. Made Of Stone
08. Man Against The World
09. My World
10. Turn Back Time
11. Taught To Kill
12. Gimme All Your Love
Fate – If Not For The Devil – 2013 lossless

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