Destroy She Said – Down to Dirty 2012

What I hold in my hands is an excellent digiapck by a hard rock band from Australia. Everyone knows that hard rock and Australia is like hand and glove – an excellent combination that never fails. “Destroy She Said” is a five piece band from Melbourne that proves this statement once again. Their first full-length album called “Down To Dirty”, which was released on the first of October 2012, consists of 10 tracks, and gives you that classic rock feeling from the first note you hear on it. Moreover – this feeling lasts all along the album.

The first thing besides a good sound (again I would use the word “classic” but classic in a modern way if you know what I mean) that you hear on that album is a very catchy vocal performance, which reminds me of Bon Scott and Steve Tyler. In my opinion vocal is an essential component of every song on this album. There are some cool riffs, melodic solos, and memorable harmonies on the album, but the compositions which these pieces build wouldn’t sound interesting without this kind of vocal.

1. Overrated
2. Game Over
3. Squirter
4. No Church
5. She Fanged It
6. Hookers Don’t Kiss
7. Fanta Pants
8. Drivin’ Machine
9. You Might Think I Love You…
10. It’s Coming Out Now


mirror link:
Destroy She Said – Down to Dirty 2012
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