For a long time it seemed Despairation had disappeared forever into oblivion. To quiet it had become after the 2008 release “A Requiem In Winter’s Hue” to the band. But Despairation have not fortunately taken the title of this album literally and place these days, the sixth album by: “New World Obscurity”.
01. Not Afraid
02. Falling Into Afterlife
03. New World Obscurity
04. The Orwellian Agenda
05. White Voice, Random Noise
06. What A Strange Day Today
07. Poison From The Sky
08. Bloody Valentine
09. Aboard The Ship Of Fools
10. Suicide Avenue
11. 23
12. Newspeak
13. Postmodern Mephisto
14. Atomic Blue
Despairation – New World Obscurity (2014)

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