Mix Motley crue, KISS, L.A. Guns and Motorhead. Shake well, pour into a wiskey bottle and bust it over your head !!! After bitch slapping the world with their debut album,”SONIC LOBOTOMY”, DAMNATION ALLEY is back with their second release, “BULLET PROOF”!!!
Heavy songs that punch you in the teeth like “TAKE OVER HELL” and “BURIED ALIVE” ride shotgun alongside hard rock anthem “SHAKE THE HOUSE DOWN”. Countering the raunchy “WHITE LIGHTNING”, which makes you want to beet somebodies ass, is the rip your heart out ballad “IT’S ALL OVER”. DAMNATION ALLEY bring the fun back to music with tongue in cheek “HOTRODS AND WHORES” and turns Ramones classic “SOMEBODY PUT SOMETHING IN MY DRINK” into a fist pumping sing-along. DAMNATION ALLEYs “BULLET PROOF” is the next keg party sound track!!!
1. Crash and Burn (Into to Hell)
2. Take Over Hell
3. Buried Alive
4. Shake the House Down
5. What You Take
6. It’s All Over
7. Hotrods and Whores
8. Whtie Lightning
9. Somebody Put Something In My Drink
Damnation Alley – Bulletproof (2013)