The concept of the band was born in the depth of 2008 within dark dungeons of nameless rehearsal studios and even darker minds of the musicians.
It all started from Dani’s and Hans’s passion for 70’s art and progressive rock. Many attempts to find other musicians for the band repeatedly led to nothing. Desperation began to affect musical style as well. The tuning became lower, the amount of strings increased and the “gain” knob was turning slowly but steadily clockwise.
In some moment the band realised that the guitars were tuned a whole octave lower and there was also a female vocalist… with a keytar. It was rather surprising and very inspiring. So the band headed for the local clubs
inspiring. So the band headed for the local clubs and tagged their musical style ‘Nu Art Metal’, consolidating the newly-acquired modern influence and complex musical ways of art rock.
The band oficially was born after the first gig in 2009. Since that time Crimson Blue have changed quite a list of bandmembers, hit many stages and released a demo album “Iceland” 2010.
On April 10, 2012 a full time album “Innocence” was released on label M2BA.
01. Locust
02. Dolores
03. 3rd Eye Close
04. Sacrifiction
05. Mechanical Madonna
06. Road To Oblivion
07. Lab II Yggdrasil
08. Dark Heart Of Mine
09. Tonalli
10. Black Wings
Crimson Blue – The Angelic Performance (2014)

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