Category: Progressive Rock

Progressive rock, also known as prog rock or prog, is a rock music subgenre that originated in the United Kingdom, with further developments in Germany, Italy, and France, throughout the mid-to-late 1960s and 1970s. It developed from psychedelic rock and originated, similarly to art rock, as an attempt to give greater artistic weight and credibility to rock music.

The Spiders – 1970 – Back (2009 Mandala 270), FLAC+ MP3

Psych-prog from Mexico, very pleasant. High-quality original compositions (especially good Now and People Deceive, although it is difficult to single out the best), active keys, good vocals. In general, the style is close to Spooky Tooth, perhaps a little softer, and It’s You reminded me of the Moody Blues. The title track imitates a church organ. I liked it, it’s a pity the album is very short – less than 30 minutes