Würde man In Flames eine Rob Zombie CD in den Tourbus schmuggeln, sie unter massivem Einsatz allerlei Aufputschmittel fortwährend damit konfrontieren, im Anschluss um 15 Jahre verjüngen, so wäre ein mögliches Ergebnis HYRAX.
Die charismatischen Vorzüge des modernen Metals, gepaart mit den dicken Eiern moderner Rockmusik, ergeben zusammen eine neuartige Synthese zweier Welten, die sich durch ihre geistreiche Fülle an Eskapaden definiert.
Category: Modern
SAWTHIS – Youniverse 2013
The Modern thrash metal band, Sawthis, to edit his third work record label “Youniverse” hand of Bakerteam Records, next September 30.
“Youniverse”, is a conceptual work focused on the issue of multiple personality disorder that has special participation of Rob Cavestany of Death Angel on the theme ‘The Disturbed’. The album is Produced by Paolo Ojetti (Infernal Poetry) and Sawthis.
The Sixxis – The Sixxis (2013)
The Sixxis must have more than a few music angels watching their backs. They’ve gone from releasing this self-titled debut album to touring Europe, twice, first with Wishbone Ash, and currently with Mike Portnoy’s The Winery Dogs. So what’s all the buzz about?
My Tin Apple – The Crow’s Lullaby (2013)
So these tin apple is going to try to sing a crow asleep That does a man sometimes to sit . If visual gimick outlines this Italian group debut a kind kitsch Alice In Wonderland – garden , where in addition to a pewter apple also fluorescent specimens grow . They play “tin rock ” and have slogans like ” the fruit of the imagination ” and “an apple a day , that sounds good .” What is the symbolism behind this collective, which apparently would have a death metal past ?
Iwrestledabearonce – Late For Nothing (2013)
New album of this “curious” training, the first without vocalist Krysta Cameron left the band in full Vans Warped Tour 2012 on your pregnancy and maternity, it was a friendly separation where there were no hard feelings, the other members Steven Bradley [Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Samples], John Ganey [Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Samples], Mike “Rickshaw” Martin [Low] and Mikey