Category: HQ

lossless hard rock,aor,flac

Romeo Dog – Romeo Dog (1997) mp3+flac

Sole release from Rose Tatttoo spin-off Romeo Dog. The band consisted of Andy Cichon (Rose Tattoo) on Bass, Peter Wells (Rose Tattoo) on guitars, Mick O’Shea (Rose Tattoo) and Andy Andersen (Airborne) on vocals. The album was recorded at Stage One Studio, Bühne, Germany.

JOHN SYKES – 20th Century [Japan release] (1997), MP3+FLAC

Continuing with with John Sykes albums, now it’s time for his band SYKES second effort, 1997’s “20th Century“. While this is the first of the Sykes albums released in America, it was a limited distribution and many people still haven’t heard this album yet. As previous Sykes music, “20th Century” is an entirely Mercury Records Japan production.

Yasmin Williams – Acadia (2024) mp3+flac

Yasmin Williams is exploring new sides of her incredible talent. This is another wonderful release from a very talented and creative musician. On this one she’s branching out into some new territory and collaborating with a number of musicians for a more diverse approach but with equally satisfying results.