Category: Glam|Sleaze

Glam rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter. The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp or androgynous, and have been connected with new views of gender roles.

StOp sToP! – Join The Party (2014)

Stop Stop - Join The Party!The story of Jacob A.M. (Bass and singer) has been a wild one. He’s had to move from everywhere he stayed in pursuit of following his crazy passion and chasing dreams. Stop Stop’s songs are pure classic rock, simply epic. Their second album, JOIN THE PARTY!, offers you up a slice of original compositions that would hold their own amongst any set of established artists such as Def Leppard, Motley Crue or Twisted Sister.

Sister – Deadboys Making Noise 2009

The original EP that was released 2009 before Sister signed with Metal Blade Records. Deadboys Making Noise was very much the starting point of what Sister would become with it’s rough sound and raw appearance.