Category: Glam|Sleaze

Glam rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter. The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp or androgynous, and have been connected with new views of gender roles.

Mötley Crüe – Live to Air 2014

Mötley Crüe were undeniably one of the most popular hard rock/pop-metal acts of the 1980s. Combining the theatrics and glam of Kiss with the hard power pop hooks of Cheap Trick, the Crüe out-partied, out-rocked, and outsold most of their competition.

Nikki Foxx – The Drug Years (2013)

FrontIn 1991, Nikki Foxx became a four-piece powerhouse. Times were changing and so was the band. The sound changed. The vibe changed. The look changed. Gone were the hairspray, lipstick and spandex of the 80’s, and in their place a truer rock and roll outfit emerged.

Rat Alley – The Storm 2013

alleylike a Guns and Roses L.A. Guns Ozzy. Rat Alley was a late 80’s hard rock/ metal band that played various clubs throughout the Boston area including, The Channel, The Rat, Axis, Bunratty’s, Edible Rex, The Rock Pile, The Atlantic Lounge, and the Green Street Grill and opened for various national acts such as Overkill, T.N.T, D’Priest and World War III. They played the notorius “Dangerous Dames” gig at the The Channel which earned The Channel a hefty fine for nudity and closed the doors on the club for a week.