Category: Glam|Sleaze

Glam rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter. The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp or androgynous, and have been connected with new views of gender roles.

The Dirty Youth – Red Light Fix (2011)

Starting out in 2007, The Dirty Youth from Newport, South Wales finally release their debut album Red Light Fix. They’re clearly not afraid of hard work, and toured extensively in the last couple of years including appearances at Bloodstock and Download. Danni Monroe and the guys certainly look the part, and their video for “Fight” (see below) has raised expectations that they might actually be the real deal.

Black Diamonds – Perfect Sin (2013)


Black Diamonds – four guys from the Rhine Valley in St. Gall Switzerland that seem to have sold their souls to the devil. With great commitment and passion they create songs to feel and sing with. Live they rock the stage like there was no tomorrow and even optically they deliver an authentic image. With love for what they do and the obligatory portion of “dirt”
they spread the spirit of rock in a flash.