Category: Glam|Sleaze

Glam rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter. The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp or androgynous, and have been connected with new views of gender roles.

SHANGHAI GUN – Seven Shots 2012

Stefan Tudela (vocals), Yves Leyvraz (4 and 6 strings) and Sébastien Chave (drums), three accomplished musicians, crossed paths in the summer of 2011. The magic was immediate and the mission clear : return to hard rock ! Shanghai Guns was founded. Nick Delvin (4 strings) joined the band later in 2012.

Stop, Stop – Barceloningham 2016

13939509_1273746562678034_1217449342388402114_nBARCELONINGHAM – this album title explains itself, because StOp, sToP! main man Jakob was born in Barcelona and the band’s headquarter is in the UK. Jacob was traveling all around the world to find the perfect people for his vision of a Glam and Hard Rock Band. This included also Los Angeles, where he lived in a caravan behind the famous Whiskey A Go Go. In 2009 he found guitarist Vega, who was also born in Spain and drummer Danny Stix from Bulgaria.