Category: Glam|Sleaze

Glam rock (also known as glitter rock) is a style of rock and pop music that developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter. The flamboyant costumes and visual styles of glam performers were often camp or androgynous, and have been connected with new views of gender roles.


Stitch were a Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia based band formed in 1985. Actually this is a German-Austrian project release two albums, “The Queen Is Back” in 1988 and “Freakshow Box” in 1994.

Bad Joker’s Cream – Behind The Mask (2016)

bad-jokers-cream-behind-the-maskYoung sexy hard / glam rock band from Frýdek-founder to typically hard-rock riffs seventies and eighties blended with modern rock and heavy metal. That is autodefinice band Bad Joker`s Cream. Determining whether this sexy foursome, will leave the women’s section editors, as the music itself is concerned, and that definition is accurate, of course. And it is necessary to emphasize that the debut album “Behind The Mask”, with which Bad Joker`s Cream comes, not really considering the current events at glamové scene as vital to criticize.

Mother Love Bone – Discography – [1988-1992], MP3

Mother Love Bone – American rock band from Seattle, plays music grunge and glam rock. The band was formed in 1988 and ceased to exist in 1990, after the death of frontman Andrew Wood. The team did not find grunge wave of the early 90-ies, but is considered one of the most interesting representatives of the style of the time of its formation.


The band refers to influences ranging from Sixx:A.M. to Marilyn Manson, to Velvet Revolver. All I can say is there is a serious Axl Rose meets Scott Weiland sound to the vocals.