Category: Classic Rock

Classic rock is a radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock (AOR) format in the early 1980s. In the United States, the classic rock format features music ranging generally from the late 1960s to the late 1980s, primarily focusing on commercially-successful hard rock, blues rock, and arena rock popularized in the 1970s.

JAMES YOUNG BAND – Raised By Wolves (1995)

Styx guitarist JAMES YOUNG third solo album “Raised By Wolves“, a quite hard to find CD released amid the grunge in 1995, hence a quite obscure pressing now out of print. JY of course here musically remains faithful to his roots, and the album style is a classic rock crossing with melodic hard rock of all times.

PHOENIX [John Verity] – Collection 3 CDs, MP3

There have always been enquiries via the JV website as to whether there might be another PHOENIX album in the pipeline or maybe some gigs, and then out of the blue the original CBS and Charisma albums were re-released…