Category: Alt Rock

Alternative rock (also called alternative music, alt rock or simply alternative) is a genre of rock music that emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular by the 1990s.

Eve To Adam – Locked & Loaded 2013

evetoadam-13When I watched the video for Straightjacket Supermodel from New York-based Eve to Adam, bands like Hinder or Buckcherry came to mind. Raspy vocals, modern rock guitar tones, and a song about sex. (See video below, which is explicit; watch at your own risk!). I wasn’t sure what to think of my first impression of the band, so I waited till the disc arrived for this review. I am very happy I held off judgement till I received the disc.

Modena – Leverage (2013)


With a rare aptitude for combining aspects of classic rock with unique modern riffs, independent recording artists MODENA offer a professional, yet edgy, sound to fans of hard rock music. For over half a decade, their raw dedication to writing and recording exceptional songs has finally produced a full-length album they are proud to call their debut