now/Aussie Rock/Australia
voodoo ghost rock, clasical punk blues cabaret rock and roll
We would have loved to stretch with them, in terms of the creation of the Dr. Awkward, we have not felt that the four listening Burn In Hell Australians have paddled, but they have sweated blood and water .
We would have loved to be locked up with them, spend hours watching them ignite their ideas. It would surely understand what cross the Styx could mean. Rarely will there be “seen” music we survey the cortex also angrily, stretching, or sudden roar to velvet paw, but at no time does the next donut emotional predictable.
How would you describe them? Imagine pirates punks dropped there in the last port end of the end, with the only alternative to meet some crack whores still virgins, including an old sluice mezcal in line with a bold zinc all mucus the world. Imagine in a corner of the den, two or three bluesmen in rags playing Chopin on a keyboard carved into the bones of some children eaten by scurvy. Are you there? And although we are still far from the truth!
To be honest, this disc is only irresistible flood of Apocalypse – all dykes crushed and roadhouses barns, churches and disco club, prisons and brothels will float a current irrepressible.
Clearly, this music is as exhausting hugs overnight, confusing like a drugged sleep, as elusive as exciting, like our lives that burn burst. Dr. Awkward is a labyrinth whose discovery is drunk … No chance to really get out!
Ed and self promotion: It goes without saying, and I want to clarify that the content of this post has been written under the influence of no drugs – or almost – but only under the impact of incessant flashes, colorful pictures, scarred in my head, the last of these live Môssieurs oh so generous in our pretty greasy spoon Britain in the middle! Forward to the next!
1. Dead Teddies On a Stick 4:11
2. Grate and Grind 4:03
3. Ear 4:05
4. Zen 007 2:59
5. Kiss and Tell 2:58
6. Iron Girder Woman 5:27
7. Memphis 4:08
8. Les Merabbits De Bretagne 5:46
9. Strange Attractors 3:01
10. Eyes Without a Face 4:43
11. Creepy Cairo 3:22
12. Checkpoint Charlie Chaplin 4:30
13. Swamp Bogan 3:27
14. Jonny 2:54
15. Skullfuk
Burn in Hell – Dr Awkward 2012

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