All compounds by Andrés Lecaros and arranged by Bar Hell except themes: “Mijitines (No play Rock & Roll)” Adaptation “Nice boys”, original Rose Tattoo (Gary Anderson, Mick Cocks, Dallas Royal, Peter Wells) and guitar solo on “Challenge” tribute to bagpipes Bon Scott (AC / DC).
1.Bar Infierno 03:28
2.La güeá es pelear 04:42
3.Se lo que te pasa 03:53
4.A quemar la biblia 05:02
5.Tanto agüeonao 04:25
6.Pégame 04:30
7.Vamos bien 04:56
8.Los mijitines (no tocan rock & roll) 03:17
9.Desafio 05:54
10.Domingazo 03:44
Barinfierno – La Raíz De La Maldad [PROMO] 2016

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