he legendary New Jersey sleaze punk-pop band that had a major impact on the scene in the early 90s, described as “Guns N Roses meets The Sex Pistols with the Ramones sense of humor”. They called us and said they were cleaning out their vaults. We expressed interest in releasing some of the tracks and they insisted that money had to exchange hands.
1. Valvoline
2. Believe It
3. Finish What You Started
4. Blood Sucking Freaks
5. Chelsea Hotel
6. Faith Cover: George Michael
7. Ceasor My Son
8. Day In The Life
9. Thunder Falling
10. Den Of Sin
11. Highway To Hell Cover: AC/DC
12. Kleenex Cover: Generation X
13. Chinese Rocks Cover: The Ramones
14. If I Didn’t Love You Cover: Squeeze
15. I Want To Hold Your Hand Cover: The Beatles
16. Happily Ever After
17. Not Tellin’ You
18. Gabble Babble
19. Tell That Girl To Shut Up Cover: Transvision Vamp
20. I Think I Love You Cover: The Partridge Family
21. Grommy Grones
22. Blitzkrieg Bop live w/ Scotti Hill Cover: The Ramones
Bad Biscut – We Still Believe the Hype 2008

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