Jim Loretangeli – The Right Angel (2014)

FrontThis album, has been over six years in the making. It began when I moved to Florida in April 2007 and was finally finished in December 2013.

These twelve songs have had quite an evolution along the way. After painstakingly auditioning six different guitar players who shared my vision, I was resigned to playing most of the parts myself. Thankfully, Nderim came into the picture early on and plays the amazing solos you hear on the record. You’ll see and hear more from him in the years to come. Being a bass player, I’ve always enjoyed playing with a great drummer. I was lucky enough to have three of them, whom I really respect, perform here. Ronen, Ivan and Andy have three distinct styles of drumming and have put their unique signature on these tunes. I actually re-wrote some of the material, inspired by their drum tracks. I applaud everyone’s creative spirit and immense energy.

1. Kromatikal Error
2. Ghost of Destiny
3. A Glimpse of Strings
4. The Coyote and The Big Tree
5. OsmosisNosis
6. Anartika
7. Sybil
8. Josef Speaks
9. Mick Karn
10. SubharmoniK Konvergence
11. Earth Resolve
12. In My Room

Shred Guitar on 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 performed by Nderim ElmaziDrums on 1, 2, 3, 6 performed, recorded and mixed by Ronen GordonDrums on 5, 11 performed, recorded and mixed by Ivan Ftorek Drums on 10 performed, recorded and mixed by Andy Kravitz

Password: Plotn08


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Jim Loretangeli – The Right Angel (2014)
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