Released by PC Records / Really? YES! Faust have finally released a new album and anyone who orders Faust will get exactly what they expect! A voice like no other, at least in our ranks, which always knows how to hit exactly the right mood depending on the topic. Whether aggressive or melancholic, whether carrying or really full throttle,
the musicians are in no way inferior to the singer and together they have created a truly remarkable rock album. The lyrics are also very clear and songs like “The plague will come” or “Heroes fight against heroes” speak for themselves! There is also a big glossy booklet with all the lyrics and matching graphics. It really looks great! Great stuff!
1 Mit Volldampf Voraus In Den Untergang
2 Kriegstreiber
3 Spiegelbild
4 Die Herren Der Lüge
5 Die Pest Sie Wird Kommen
6 Teile Und Herrsche
7 Es Kämpfen Helden Gegen Helden
8 Demokratie Durch Zensur
9 Varusschlacht
10 Und Selbst Der Teufel Ekelt Sich
FAUST – Die Pest sie wird kommen 2025 Remaster, MP3+FLAC

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