DUKE JUPITER (US) – The Line Of Your Fire + 3 [Japan Remastered]

The American collector’s iaor rock band made the 7th album released in ’85 and the collector’s re-release board of the last album. 3 bonus tracks included. Among their work, the album with the most rock color is a masterpiece filled with hard, pop, and tune full of the best.
There is a lot of killer tune lyrics to Bari Bali with the sound which feels soft as well as the FM of 1st, and # 1 songs etc. are famous songs that you can listen to the whole life. It is very good quality made by Collectors CD by German people who carefully work like Japanese, it is about quality to believe even if told official. Of course the press board and the board are luxury named Picture Disk.

mirror link:
DUKE JUPITER (US) – The Line Of Your Fire + 3 [Japan Remastered]
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