Ann my Guard was formed in 2007, Budapest. Before that, the singer-bassist Eszter Anna Baumann-Tóth had recorded her four-track demo in Békéscsaba, in which, – except for drums –she played on all instruments. She began to search for other musicians for this project, in order to play these tracks at several concerts.
[spoiler]These performances made the first success for the band, and also brought the first listeners. In 2008, the next demo arrived with five songs, from which Dark sea blue and My lullaby got a wider range of audience. Finally, -after a formation period-, the band had the opportunity to record another tracks in a professional studio. Their first EP, Cinderella’s syndrome came out in 2010. However, its second song, called Gone, was invited to be on an American promotional record (Kill City series). That was the time, when they got the first positive foreign reactions. Their popularity in Hungary was grown by the broadcasting of a report within the Hungarian X Factor show, in which Ann my Guard’s frontman had been invited to present and talk about the band,- in some words. In the summer of 2011, they got the opportunity to record their second EP (Doll metal) in Hungary’s best and most professional studio, in the Super Size Recording. Here, the country’s most successful and acknowledged rock producer, Zoltán Varga helped them during the recording, however, the EP came out under his production. Ann my Guard’s first promotional video clip was come out in November for My Sky track , and for the other track from the EP (Preparation) they came out with their very first official clip in 2012 August. Ann my Guard has also become a member of the SB Productions team, who are helping in booking some shows abroad, as well.
In November 2012, Ann my Guard has signed to the norwegian Smash Fabric Records with their Doll Metal EP. The label is promoting the band mainly in the Scandinavian area.
Ann my Guard was coming out with their first full-length album called ‘Innocence Descent’ in spring, 2014.[/spoiler]
In November 2012, Ann my Guard has signed to the norwegian Smash Fabric Records with their Doll Metal EP. The label is promoting the band mainly in the Scandinavian area.
Ann my Guard was coming out with their first full-length album called ‘Innocence Descent’ in spring, 2014.[/spoiler]
01. Enchant
02. Grey Witch
03. Dark Sea Blue
04. Ivory Ballad
05. Crush Honey
06. Morgana’s Song
07. Hollow Red
08. My Lullaby
09. Easy
10. HKA Bitch
11. Fallen
12. Gone
13. Circles
Ann My Guard – Innocence Descent (2014)

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